Below are some of the endeavours of Child Focus Africa. If you are interested in helping out with these worthwhile causes in any way, please contact Jim Senka. ( / 1-250-847-2597) • Mothers • Migwani Children's Dormitory Project - CFA recently completed a home for 72 handicapped children in the Village of Migwani. • Kilimanjaro Expedition – Adventure Africa Expeditions is an important supporter of Child Focus Africa Projects. Their annual trek to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro and 3 Kenyan wildlife parks (including Masai Mara and N’gora N’gora) is virtually the best deal available for this kind of trip. This is an experience of a lifetime. Please check it out through our home page, or at: We are always seeking help to enlist clients for this great trip. • Electricity – in July, 2011, thanks largely to Dickson Wambubu of Adventure Africa and Len Vanderstar of Summits of Canada we were able to send $3100 to Migwani so that electricity can be installed on the two dormitories and dining hall. The wiring was completed by Sept. 2011. |