Child Focus Africa Projects

Below are some of the endeavours of Child Focus Africa.  If you are interested in helping out with these worthwhile causes in any way, please contact Jim Senka. 

(  /  1-250-847-2597)


   AIDs  Group 

  Migwani Children's Dormitory Project - CFA recently completed a home for 72 handicapped children in the Village of Migwani. 

  Kilimanjaro ExpeditionAdventure Africa Expeditions is an important supporter of Child Focus Africa Projects.  Their annual trek to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro and 3 Kenyan wildlife parks (including Masai Mara and N’gora N’gora) is virtually the best deal available for this kind of trip.  This is an experience of a lifetime.  Please check it out through our home page, or at:

We are always seeking help to enlist clients for this great trip. 

  Electricityin July, 2011, thanks largely to Dickson Wambubu of Adventure Africa and Len Vanderstar of Summits of Canada we were able to send $3100 to Migwani so that electricity can be installed on the two dormitories and dining hall.  The wiring was completed by Sept. 2011.